marketing covid

New world after COVID-19

Now more than ever we live in a very unprecedented and unpredictable world and in this new reality, only one thing is certain, that the traditional rules no longer apply. In all aspects of our lives we need to operate without a roadmap and now is the time to create a new playbook. We can learn something from this hard situation and create a new reality to live in.

What is going on?

Emotions are intense right now. All of us feel huge amounts of confusion, fear, and even anger. We don’t know what will happen and how the future will look like. People are worried about themselves, their families, communities, and their jobs. Businesses are bankrupting, salaries are cutting down and people getting redundant. Every aspect of our life is under huge strain, because we’re still adapting to restrictions we never imagined.

Let’s stop for a minute and think about how our life looked before COVID and how pandemic situation has changed our perspective. Maybe it is the time to forget about the race who sells more, and stop trying to attract customers with intrusive and aggressive marketing and focus on things which really matter.

COVID-19 and Maslow’s pyramid

The well-known theory of Maslow’s theory of human needs fits well in the context of COVID-19, as he quoted in his theory that human needs are hierarchical arranged and supersedes the others when ones are satisfied. Maslow categorized needs in such a way:

  • self-actualization
  • esteem needs
  • social needs
  • safety needs
  • physiological needs
maslow pyramid

This worldwide pandemic has knocked many of us, regardless of where we may have been “on the pyramid” just two months ago, to the bottom of the pyramid. Two weeks ego we couldn’t be worrying about higher-level needs when we’ve got physiological and safety needs that need to be addressed.

How to cope?

Pandemic has massive implications for the tone and content of marketing actions. Given this re-prioritization of consumer needs at this moment, brands need to rapidly adapt the ways they are creating value. Below you can find 6 golden tips on how to find yourself and your brand in the new reality.

  1. Empathy: Remember to use a tone that is genuinely considerate of people’s needs at this hard time.
  2. Share: If you have such a possibility mobilize your assets & community to help those who most need it.
  3. Conciseness: Only say and do things that add genuine value – what was meaningful last week may be counter-productive today.
  4. Acts not ads: Make meaningful content, avoid elaborating about your product and don’t try to sell it against all the odds.
  5. Hands-on leadership: People want to see your leaders’ personal commitment to making a difference, non your marketing ads. Start to implement human to human strategy in your business.
  6. Do it your way: Run initiatives through the lens of your brand’s purpose & personality, do not copy, so you still build long term value for your company.

Let’s create a new, even better playbook together! Despite all the sad and devastating things which happened to the world, we can add one good small piece and try to build a new marketing world, oriented into people, when the pandemic will be finally over.

Let’s not get back to the old habits.

We can do it and stay positive, supportive, caring and form a new better world.

Stay safe!

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