motivate your team

How to keep your dev team motivated?

While running software development company you probably know, that the software development process is not simple, sometimes it can be frustrating, and exhausting with all those strict deadlines and requirements.

So there is more than crucial to keep your development team motivated all the time. That is especially true for now when all the dev teams work remotely. So I’d like to share a few strategies from our company experience that can help you to keep your team motivated.


1. Try to keep the positive atmosphere

Every once in a while there may occur some challenges in projects, so it’s worth to discouraging negativity from your team members by ensuring a positive atmosphere in the office. The best way to keep a positive atmosphere is to treat people like you want to be treated:

  • show respect,
  • trust your team,
  • be patient,
  • encourage people
  • give them positive reinforcement,
  • show gratitude,
  • celebrate even small wins,
  • encourage positive thinking and fun.

2. Invest in and use new technologies

Software development and IT industry is an area where new techniques and products hit the market frequently. Make sure to embrace them if they are useful to you, rather than shy away from them. However, you should also let people to take part in hackathons and similar initiatives. These activities allow team members to work on coding outside of their typical workday. It’s a way that they can sharpen their skill set.

3. Lead by example

Promote the behavior that you want to see in your team by acting that way yourself. It won’t do any good if you just tell your team to behave a certain way, and then you act differently. Show your team the behavior you want to see in them – give them a good example.

4. Opportunities for growth

Providing opportunities for your team to grow is a wise idea. Have time to talk with your employees about their goals and career path in your company.  Worth to remember is advice to avoid micromanagement and continuously looking over your employees’ shoulders. Instead of that, you should allow them to do the job for which they were hired without overwhelming them. 

5. Set goals

The goal-setting process can be simplified by the often-used process of writing SMART goals. The SMART approach: specific, measurable, achievable, realistic  and set in time. Setting up realistic goals are essential when we’re trying to keep everyone motivated.  Besides being realistic goals should also be challenging and within the optimal deadline.  

Conclusion about motivation

Keeping your team motivated isn’t easy. It’s a process that never ends and requires putting daily effort in it. However taking these tips into consideration you’ll be one step closer to having a team that’s satisfied and excited to go to work each day. I can add that these advices are universal enough that they can be apply to every team working in the software development field. You can make sure that motivation make a change in your company. 

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